advantages of bottle feeding a baby

7 Advantages of Bottle Feeding A Baby

While recognizing the benefits of breastfeeding the baby directly, there are also advantages of bottle feeding a baby. It is one of the ways that give more freedom to a stressful mummy and allows other family members to help take care of the little monster. And obviously, this can be your only option if you are facing some problems with breastfeeding. Let’s look at 7 advantages and common asked questions about bottle feeding.

What are the advantages of bottle feeding

Here are the advantages of bottle feeding a baby

  • Someone else can do the feeding
  • More flexibility
  • Know exactly how much the baby drink
  • No worry about the mother’s diet
  • No problem if mummy is sick
  • Variety of commercial formulas to choose from
  • Easy to prepare and store in the refrigerator
  • Several milk bottles and nipples to choose for baby
  • Fewer feedings frequency compared to breastfed babies

Someone else can do the feeding

It is the most stressful period for the first few months for most mummies especially if you are a first time parent. You will need all the help you can get to get over this period. Any helping hands is a big blessing at this point in time.

Advantages of Bottle Feeding A Baby

As bottle feeding does not you to be physically there when your newborn need to feed, you can let someone else do the feeding for you. It can be your spouse, family members or even friends. Besides feeding, the burping required after each bottle feeding can also be delegated  

More flexibility

No more feeling guilty or worried if you need to leave the house for a breath of fresh air or run some errands. You will not face the situation of the hungry baby screaming for milk while you are not at home. Chance to catch up with friends to destress as you schedule milk feeding to a family member or caregiver.

Know exactly how much the baby drink

No more guessing game as compared to directly breastfeeding to the baby. You will know exactly how much the baby drink based on the markings on the milk bottles. It is easier for you to adjust up or down the amount of milk formula you need for each feeding instantly. You cannot really adjust the amount of breastmilk you need instantly as any supplements or actions to increase breast milk supply takes time.

No worries about the mother’s diet

Whatever you eat or drink, it will be passed down to your baby quickly when you are breastfeeding. You will not have to worry about your diet when bottle feeding with formula.

Whether is it taking alcohol to chill with friends or having your favorite food, you don’t have to control your urge anymore. No more extra visits to your pediatrician or doing hours of research on what can or cannot be eaten.  Whatever nutrients your little is getting will be from the formula only and there will be no nasty surprises. 

No problem if mummy is sick

There is a possibility that you may fall really sick and need to take medications to recover. You will not worry that part of the medications will be passed on to your little one. Rest well and let your loved ones help to bottle feed your little one at this period of time.

Variety of commercial formulas to choose from

There are many reputable commercial formulas brands for you to choose from. The most common brands are Similac, Enfamil, Earth’ best, Neocate and a few others. The good thing is that you can choose one that is suitable for baby’s need.

There are formulas that mimic closely to breastmilk nutrients, suitable for a colicky baby or even made for babies with sensitive tummy and constipation. It is recommended for you to try a few different types to find what your newborn like before having brand loyalty on one. 

Easy to prepare and store in the refrigerator

Do note that formula comes in ready-to-feed liquid forms, concentrates and powders. The read-to-feed formulas are the most convenient but most expensive. Formula made from concentrates is prepared by mixing equal amounts of concentrate and water. However, if the remaining bottle is not used, it can only be covered and kept in the refrigerator for not more than 48 hours.

Follow the manufacturer instruction when preparing powdered formula. The powder and water mixture should dissolve faster if you use room temperature water. Ensure the amount for both the powder and water is correct to ensure that your baby gets the calories and nutrients needed during every feed. 

Advantages of Bottle Feeding A Baby

Additionally,  always test the temperature of the milk on your wrist before feeding to your child. This will be important information when you are delegating the task to someone else. 

Store any milk formula you prepare in advance in the fridge to discourage any bacteria growth. If it is not used within 24 hours, discard it away. You may want to consider warming them to room temperature before feeding as most babies like it that way.

Several milk bottles and nipples to choose for baby

You can choose suitable milk bottles and nipples that are the right fit for your baby. The milk bottles you used can be plastic, glass or plastic with a soft plastic liner. The inner liners are convenient to use and help to limit the amount of air your baby swallows when she sucks.

Bottles that are made for self-feeding are also not recommended. The main reason is that it encourages tooth decay due to constant exposure of the teeth to sugar day and night. Same as milk bottles, you can also try several nipples to ensure you find one that suits your little one.

There are standard rubber nipples, orthodontics ones, specially designed for premature infants and babies with cleft palates. Whichever you choose, if the hole is too small, the baby may suck too hard and inhale too much air.

If it is too big, the milk overflow can cause choking. Follow your baby cue when choosing the correct milk bottle and nipples. A suitable combination ensures that the feeding to your newborn is smooth every time.

Fewer feedings frequency compared to breastfed babies

Breastfed infants tend to have a higher frequency of feedings as breastmilk are more easily digestible compared to formula milk. This is an advantage as normally this period of time your baby will be feeding and sleeping for most of the day. Less feeding frequency means you can have more rest compared to breastfeeding.  

Common Frequently Asked Questions

Cow milk for infants side effects

Many parents question why they cannot just feed cow milk to infants. The main reason is that young infants are not physically ready to digest cow milk in their body. Cow’s milk contains high levels of minerals and proteins which may overstress the infant’s kidneys.

Side effects like heat stress, fever or diarrhea may occur. Cow milk is also lacking in iron, vitamin C, healthy fat and other nutrients crucial for your baby in the first 12 months. (Source)

Is bottle feeding harmful for baby

The main difference between bottle feeding and breastfeeding for baby is the less physical contact and the time they have with the mummy. The kind of physical bonding built between mummy and baby when breastfeeding during the first few months can never be available for bottle-fed baby.  

Ingredients in a formula may also not be suitable for the infants causing complications like indigestion or tummy gas. You may need to change a few formulas before finding the right combination when this occurs. (See How Long Does It Take For Baby To Adjust To Baby Formula Change)  They also get more fussy and cranky compared to a breastfed baby as they take in more air during bottle feeding.

Do bottle fed babies sleep better

There are no scientific studies to back this up. However, bottle-fed babies do sleep longer because baby formula is tougher to digest than breastmilk. Newborns wake up and cry whenever they feel hungry.


To Conclude Advantages of Bottle Feeding A Baby

There are advantages and disadvantages between breastfeeding and bottle feeding a baby. There is no right or wrong. Choose the option that is the best for both mummy and baby. Do you bottle feed or breastfeed your baby? Leave a comment below.

Tanya Madsen

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