ways to keep baby happy

8 Ways to Have a Happy Newborn Baby

Happy Newborn baby are often credited with bringing good fortune and blessings in a household, and it is easy to see why. These little bundles of happiness never fail to bring a smile on our faces, and we can be nothing but grateful for their presence. There is something about their naivety that makes us feel calmer and more relaxed than we could have thought possible.

However, as much as having a baby by your side is a source of pure joy, taking care of one is not the easiest task in the world. It can be really difficult because of the lack of communication, and it can be frustrating because it is a huge responsibility after all. If you are a working person or someone with a plethora of other commitments, this burden reaches high proportions.

Fortunately, one does not need to be a magician to be able to keep one’s newborn satisfied and ensure that he or she stays healthy and happy. All you need is an understanding of a baby’s fundamental needs and requirements and then cater to them in the most effective way possible. Without further ado, here are eight simple things you can do in this regard.

1. Feed your newborns frequently

This goes without saying because a baby tends to feel very hungry during the first few weeks. It is imperative that you feed your newborns every couple of hours, or eight to twelve times every day. For the most part, it will be breast milk and formula to fulfill their consumption needs.

It is worth noting that you will either have to be cognizant of the signs of a hungry baby or take it upon yourself to ensure that the infant gets the nutrition that he or she needs. As far as the former is concerned, if the newborn starts crying abruptly, he is definitely in need of milk. Fussing around, sucking on fingers and licking lips are also good signs of hunger.

As to the latter, you have to ensure that the baby does not go three hours without consuming anything. For instance, if your newborn girl has been asleep for three hours, gently wake her up and feed her. You may do so by rubbing her back or singing softly.

2. Ensure that they get high-quality sleep

Getting a decent amount of shut-eye is extremely important for newborns, both regarding health as well as growth and development. Make sure that your baby is sleeping on a surface that is firm yet sufficiently comfortable, preferably a crib or bassinet. Remove blankets, stuffed animals and any other form of clutter from that space to prevent the risk of suffocation and germ invasions.

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Investing in a flat head baby pillow will also help, as it ensures that the baby’s posture and head position while sleeping is appropriate. This becomes even more important if your baby suffers from positional plagiocephaly, or flat head syndrome, which is when spots appear on the back of the head. Normal methods involve the use of helmets, but they tend to be unwieldy and uncomfortable therefore a special baby pillow remains an ideal choice as it is portable, comfortable and generally convenient.

3. Use diapers, and be good with them

It is the worst job in the world, but putting on, removing and changing diapers is important if you want to ensure that your newborn remains healthy and happy. Neglect in this particular domain can lead to rashes and other skin infections, and you want to avoid that. You may also like to check out the rising cost of diapers and factors that may affect your baby budget.

4. Soothe your newborn

happy newborn baby

It is a fact of life that babies get aggravated or upset easily, and when they do, it is never a pleasant experience. However, if you can master the art of soothing such a baby, it will go a long way in ensuring happiness and emotional stability for him or her. Learn a few lullabies and sing them aloud. Gently caress and touch the baby’s skin. Whisper soothing words in the ear. They are simple acts, but they work wonders.

5. Allow your baby to adapt to the family

This new life is going to be a part of your life if it is supposed to thrive and develop. The best way to achieve that is to ensure that life goes on normally. For instance, there is no need to ask guests to be quiet when the baby’s around; instead, let things flow naturally and allow the baby to adapt to the particular environment of your home.

Related: How to keep my baby from getting sick when I’m sick

6. Get out and about

I can’t stress this enough; get out of your abode and spend as much time as possible among the wonders of nature with your newborn. It is not only going to be a relaxing experience for your newborn but will also introduce him or her to a whole array of sights and sounds that is important for early learning.

7. Consult and visit a pediatrician

You love your baby, but you can’t be an expert on his or health. Do remember to visit a pediatrician twice or thrice a month.

8. Understand your newborn

Newborns are incapable of talking to us, but that does not mean that they are unable to communicate. They express themselves in a multitude of ways, be it crying or waving their fists or cracking a laugh. It is important to attempt to tune into these expressions and use them to understand what your newborn is trying to communicate.

Related: 7 Fruits to Eat During Early Pregnancy

Tanya Madsen

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