Mother’s Milk Tea Reviews- Does it Work?

You’ve probably heard of all the benefits that come with herbal teas. If you’re breastfeeding, drinking lactation tea is a great way to help you increase milk supply. Mother’s milk tea is a type of herbal tea that helps in increasing milk supply.

However, the big question is,

Does Mother’s milk tea work?

Just like you, I was hesitant to try out mother’s milk tea the first time my next door neighbor Caroline introduced to this tea. In fact, I didn’t use it until a second mom recommended it to me. (Check out the brand I use and recommend).

Mother’s Milk Tea Reviews(1)

Is it safe?

In this article, I’m going to take a closer look at this lactation tea and give you my first-hand experiences with it. You can also check out an article I wrote the other day on the best pumps you can use to induce lactation just in case you want to adopt a kid.

What is mother’s milk tea?

Mother’s milk tea is a herbal tea formulated to help increase a mom’s milk supply. Its main ingredient (milk-boosting ingredient) is fenugreek. Other ingredients include:

  • Anise fruit
  • Blessed thistle herb
  • Bitter fennel fruit
  • Coriander
  • A blend of lemongrass, spearmint, marshmallow root and lemon verbena

Mother’s milk tea ingredients

Fenugreek is probably the most common herb taken by breastfeeding moms to help increase milk supply. You’ve probably heard that in higher doses, fenugreek seeds can increase milk supply.

Blessed thistle is known as a hormone balancer, and it’s also used to increase breast milk supply in new mothers.

Anise, bitter fennel and coriander fruit are considered galactagogues and help revert the effect of low milk supply.

Does mother’s milk tea work?

Yes, they work thanks to the herbs that go into its making. Fenugreek, the main ingredient contained in mother’s milk tea is a milk-boosting agent. Though fenugreek is bitter in taste, the results of this ingredient are not to be undermined. Some moms have reported a significant increase in breast milk production by taking Mothers milk tea.

A few cups of this herbal tea during the breastfeeding period can help increase milk production. The tea is available online (Check it out on Amazon).

Side effects

Below are some of the reported side effects of using mother’s milk tea;

  • Upset stomach
  • Body odour
  • Allergic reaction
  • excessive stomach acid
  • decreased breast milk supply

1. Upset stomach

Study conduct by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) found out that some people develop bloating and diarrhoea after consuming supplements that contain fenugreek. Increased stomach gas production can cause sensitive babies to develop colic-like side effects.

2. Body Odor

Sotolone a compound found in Fenugreek causes body odor. This compound can cause both the mother and the baby produce urine and sweat with strong maple-like odor.

While this side effect is something that you shouldn’t worry about, a doctor should be notified if the baby‘s urine produces the odour. This is because strange-smelling urine in babies can also be a sign of maple syrup urine disease, a lethal metabolic disorder.

3. Allergic Reaction

Any plant can cause allergic reactions to people with pre-existing sensitivities. This herbal tea can cause hives, rashes, diarrhoea, wheezing in mothers who are allergic to one of the mother’s milk tea ingredients. If you have a history of allergies, I recommend you first talk to your doctor.

4. Excessive Stomach Acid

According to National Institutes of Health (NIH), blessed thistle, an ingredient contained in Mother’s milk tea can cause an increase in production of stomach acid. If taken in excess, it can cause heartburn or stomach ulcers.

5. Decreased Breast Milk Supply

Mother’s milk tea contains a combination of herbs that have been used historically to enhance breast milk production.

All the ingredients are considered safe when consumed in moderate doses under the guidance of your medical care provider. They may also cause unexpected side effects.

Anise and Fennel contained in mother’s milk tea have been used for centuries to enhance milk production. These herbs are effective for promoting let-down. However, in large doses, these ingredients can cause a decrease in breast milk production.

When to start drinking it?

You should start drinking Mother’s milk tea after your baby is born. Don’t drink it during pregnancy most herbal blends/teas designed to increase milk supply are not safe during pregnancy. However, you can use these either ginger or peppermint teas when pregnant. See my recommendation here

You might find you don’t even need it and have enough milk anyway. Regularly feeding your baby will help you to produce more milk than the tea will

Even after your baby is born, you should wait until your breast milk supply is established before you do mother’s milk tea. You don’t want to use any supply boosting till probably after the first 2-3 weeks, or you risk crazy engorgement and crazy letdown.


There you have it moms, my honest review of mother’s milk tea. Have you tried any other brand other than my recommendation? Are you ready to start? Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below and I’ll be glad to help. You can also check out these 7 foods that will increase milk supply or see our best breast pump reviews and read 5 power pumping tricks to get milk back in 3-5 days.



Tanya Madsen

Hi, I'm Tanya Madsen, a stay at home mother of 3 and a full time blogger. I participate in Amazon affiliate programs and earn a commission when you click over from our site. It won't cost you an extra dime (in fact you'll usually get a discount), so it's a win-win.

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