Breast Pump

When to buy a breast pump which suits your needs?

With the arrival of a baby comes a myriad of equipment and essentials. We are talking baby cribs, walkers, carriers, clothes, diapers, and beddings among others. In fact, it seems like every time you wink, there’s something more that needs to be added on the list. The question is when to buy a breast pump which suits your needs?

What is a Breast pump for

breast pump is a mechanical device that you will use to extract breast milk from your breasts for your hungry newborn. It can be a manual pump by hand or it can be an electrical version powered by batteries or electrical grid. It is essential if you do not want to be on 24/7 standby for your hungry baby and being able to express breastmilk the fastest way possible.

Do I need a breast pump

Today, let’s talk about a breast pump. If you are not a first-time parent, you know just how important this equipment is, right? It can be a real life-saver when you need to catch some sleep and have someone else feed and watch over the baby. For first time parents, this will be an absolutely YES answer in my opinion.

Having pumped and stored breast milk gives you the freedom to get out of the house once in a while for some fresh air without having to worry about starving your little one. Then there’s the simple reason that it acts as an alternative for moms who have latching issues with the little ones or those with certain health issues.

Considering the countless options available in the market today, how is one supposed to shop for the right breast pump? We have provided a short checklist for you to decide when to buy a breast pump.

1. Buy breast pump before or after birth

When I am browsing through mummy forums, I always came across this question. Should you buy breast pump before or after birth?  Based on my own experience, it is advisable to get the breast pump before birth. The main reason is there will be a mad rush of events once the baby is out and it will be difficult to go shopping for a breast pump.

Furthermore, the breast pump was my saviour when my child had to stay additional nights after I am discharged. The pump got my milk supply started and I was able to extract some colostrum for my baby consumption. Check out the 2 best electric pumps comparison that I have used and highly recommend.

2. Hospital grade breast pump vs regular

Hospital grade breast pump is normally used in the hospital. They are more powerful than personal use pumps and if you have latching issues, it is able to extract milk from a mother’s breasts with greater speed and efficiency.

It’s easy to want a hospital-grade breast pump just because your next-door neighbour told you it is the best type. Or, to desire an expensive type based on some baseless advice from your friend. This is where you need to exercise some wisdom before you break your bank trying to purchase what you actually don’t need.

Below some pointers to provide you with a hospital grade breast pump vs regular perspective:

  • A manual breast pump is designed for moms who need relief from engorgement or those who pump once a day.
  • A single-electricity pump is ideal for moms who leave the baby often to run certain errands.
  • A double-electricity pump is great if you work away from home for long periods of time.
  • If you have latching issues and cannot breastfeed your baby, a hospital-grade breast pump will help you build an adequate milk supply for your baby.

3. Always buy a new breast bump

When you are low on cash but want a breast pump so badly, your brain is likely to trick you into asking your friend (whose kids are past the breastfeeding stage) to loan you hers.

However, Aeroflow Healthcare and other experts warn against this move. (Source)

Breast milk can carry a string of viruses and bacteria such as HIV and cytomegalovirus. You definitely don’t want to take a chance with the safety of your little one now, would you?

Hand-me-down breast pumps are also a little less effective in most cases. Motor strength declines over time leading to an array of issues later on. If you want to do exclusive pumping, you may like to check this out where we mentioned about the best breast pump for exclusive pumping.

4. Choosing breast shield size

Also known as “flanges”, breast shields are what fit directly to your nipple area. Their role is to seal the areola thereby creating a vacuum that suctions the nipple into the pump tunnel for extraction of milk.

Choosing breast shield size is very important as the size of the breast shields determines whether pumping will be effective or not. If you experience any pain, too much sucking of your nipple, or full breasts after a thorough pumping session, chances are, you need a different breast shield sizing.

I referred to this Medela breast shield fitting guide when choosing the correct size for myself before ordering from Amazon.

5. Go for availability

It is always better to stick with reputable and readily available brands liked Medela rather than emerging ones. As you might have guessed, it is easier to get replacement parts of well-known and available brands if you ever need them.

If you select a new company, having a single part replaced can take a few days if not weeks. This can terribly paralyze your pumping efforts. You may end up being forced to use baby formula temporary or fork out more money to get a new breast pump.

6. Check if insurance can pay for your pump

In certain countries, personal-grade breast pumps are actually covered by insurance. (Source) For instance, in the United States, the Affordable Care Act asks insurers to include preventive health services such as breastfeeding supports in their premiums. Before you drain your bank account, look into this option first.

While you are at it, keep in mind that insurers have limited breast pump models on their covers. Some insist on covering single-electric breast pumps while some only deal with manual breast pumps. Check out our list of best breast pumps for stay at home moms.

Additionally, in certain circumstances, you might need a doctor’s prescription to prove to your insurer that you are actually in dire need of a free breast pump.

A breast pump is undoubtedly a very important item as a new mother. You are better off spending a little more for something quality and befitting. If you are planning to do exclusive pumping for the 9-12 months, I am also sharing my personal experience on how much milk should I be producing when exclusively pumping.

Happy pumping!

Tanya Madsen

Hi, I'm Tanya Madsen, a stay at home mother of 3 and a full time blogger. I participate in Amazon affiliate programs and earn a commission when you click over from our site. It won't cost you an extra dime (in fact you'll usually get a discount), so it's a win-win.

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