12 Signs of Infant Feeding Difficulties

During the first few months, it is important to notice if there are any signs of infant feeding difficulties. Regardless of whether you are bottle-feeding or breastfeeding, knowing the signs helps you to know whether your newborn is overfed or underfed. It can also be feeding allergy or digestive disturbance. Do note that some symptoms for overfed or allergy babies can be similar.

12 signs of poor feeding newborn

  1. Exceed recommended bottle feeding amount
  2. Vomiting after a feeding
  3. Loose and watery stools
  4. Unlatch too quickly during breastfeeding
  5. Lack of urination in Diapers
  6. Infrequent or hard stools
  7. Appears hungry after a feed
  8. Become more yellow after the first week
  9. Excessively drowsy
  10. Severe skin rash
  11. Failure to gain weight
  12.  Viral infection

Overfeeding newborn

1) Exceed recommended bottle feeding amount

If you are bottle feeding the baby, the consumption level should be less than 4 to 6 ounces(120ml to 180ml) per feeding. If you are breastfeeding, the consumption level should be less than 3 to 4 ounces(90ml to 120ml). Check out our infant feeding guidelines on how much breastmilk should a newborn eat

2) Vomiting after a feeding

It is normal for babies to spit out occasionally after every feed for the first month. The main reason is that the passage between the throat is still small and immature. However, if it is happening too often, it can be signs of overfeeding. You may like to reduce the amount of feeding for the next session to see if the situation improves

Infant Feeding

3) Loose and watery stools

A normal baby poo should be typically seedy and pasty in texture. And maybe runny enough to resemble diarrhea.  However, if your baby stools are loose and very watery, for 8 or more times a day. It is abnormal. Do note that breastfeed babies tend to have more frequent and looser stools.

Signs of a starving baby

4) Unlatch too quickly during breastfeeding

A normal latching period for a newborn is around 20 to 45 minutes. Depending on the situation it can be even longer. If your baby stop latching after 10 minutes or less and do not seems satisfied, it may be one sign of a starving baby

5) Lack of urination in Diapers

If your little one is wetting fewer than four diapers per day; particularly if she has begun sleeping through the night, it may be signs of feeding inadequately. Since most babies feed at least once at night, lack of urination can also mean mild dehydration.

Infant Feeding


6) Infrequent or hard stools


By the first month, the baby poop should be around 4 per day for a breastfed baby. For a formula-fed baby, it can be twice a day or once every few days. (Source)If your baby is not having poop for a few days or it is very hard, it can be signs of a starving baby.

7) Appears hungry after a feeding

Normally the baby should be drowsy and go back to sleep after feeding. If he/she appears hungry or searching for something to suck, the feeding may not be enough.

8) Become more yellow after the first week

Depending on the type, mild jaundice goes away after 1 or 2 weeks as a baby’s body gets rid of the extra bilirubin on its own. Most doctors would not suggest letting the newborn drink water but only get water from breastmilk or baby formula. Some baby condition like breastfeeding jaundice will improve after more breastmilk feeding. Seek your lactation consultant advice when you notice this symptom

9) Excessively drowsy

The baby may seems excessively sleepy or lethargic. This may be another sign of the lack of nutrients caused by underfeeding

Feeding allergy or digestive disturbance

10) Severe skin rash

Rashes may occur on parts of the body most probably due to an allergy of milk intake. If it is breastmilk it can be related to what food the mummy ate. See how fast does food affect breast milk. For formula, it can be factors like lactose intolerance.

11) Failure to gain weight

The baby should not shed more than 10% of the weight within the first week and regain it on the 2nd week. If your baby is not gaining weight, see whether there are lots of spitting after each feeding. It may be caused by a food allergy or viral infection. Seek your pediatrician advice when this happens

12) Viral infection

Viral infections can cause symptoms like diarrhea, fever and vomiting to occur. Along with loose stools, check with your doctor to ensure the baby remains hydrated. 

A final tip on Infant Feeding Difficulties 

If your newborn does not exhibit any of the symptoms after each feeding session, he/she should be growing up fast and healthy. Always seek advice immediately from your pediatrician if you notice any abnormalities in your newborn. It is better to be safe than sorry. Do you face any infant feeding problems? Drop a comment below. You may also be keen on Why Is My Dog Obsessed With My Newborn Baby and Growth and Development Activities for Infant between 0 – 3 months.


Tanya Madsen

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