Benefits Of Skin To Skin Contact After Birth

What is the Benefits Of Skin To Skin Contact After Birth? Skin to skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, means newborn is placed naked and belly down on the bare chest of the mother immediately after the birth.

We know that you have bought cute little baby onesies and you want to see your baby in them. But letting your baby in close contact with your skin helps both of you in multiple ways. It is helpful for the baby to adjust to their life outside the womb. They feel protected and secured. 

If due to some complications mother cannot provide the skin-to-skin contact then the father can take her place instead and he can hold the baby on his bare chest.

Various studies have shown that the benefits of skin-to-skin contact are not short term, but long term. Skin-to-skin contact helps develop a strong bond between baby and parents. After spending 1 to 2 hours snuggling and cuddling with your little angel you may dress them up.  You can ask the care staff to put on little princess baby clothes or baby onesies whatever you like. 

Skin To Skin One Month Old

Undress your baby and put on only a diaper and dry cap. Put the baby belly down on your bare chest between your breasts. Maintain upright position so that baby’s head is higher than their feet. Be careful while placing the baby’s head, their face should be turned to the side so that they can breathe easily. Cover yourself and baby in a blanket to stay warm. 

Skin To Skin One Month Old

6 Benefits of Skin To Skin Contact for Baby

There are numerous researches that prove the benefits of skin-to-skin contact for baby and mother. Let’s first take a look on benefits for the baby.

Maintain Body Temperature

Babies do not have the ability to maintain their body temperature according to outside temperature like adults. They cannot adjust body temperature on their own. Being in skin-to-skin contact with the mother helps the baby to adjust their body temperature. Studies show that the warmth baby gets from the mother is better than any artificial warmth. 

Self Regulation of Baby’s Body 

Skin-to-skin contact is helpful for baby’s body to self-regulate. It improves the functioning of the heart and lungs which result in stabilization of breathing and heartbeat. Normal and proper functioning of heart and lungs saves energy and improves the baby’s health.

Kickstart Breast Feeding 

Babies who are exposed to skin-to-skin contact are more likely to start breastfeeding within an hour of their birth. They are better at breastfeeding and thus are healthier. It also helps them gain weight which is good for their health and growth. 

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Helps Relief Pain

Sometimes due to complications or in case of premature birth, babies are held in incubators of intense care. During the clinical procedures they are exposed to pain. Skin to skin contact during or right after the clinical procedure helps to relief the pain. When they are in close contact with the mother or father the level of pain reduces. 

Minimize Crying 

Being in close skin-to-skin contact helps minimize crying of the baby. Babies start crying when they are separated from mother. When put back in mothers arms and close to her skin baby feels secured and in most of the cases stops crying. As mentioned earlier their pain reduces when they are held in skin-to-skin contact which also helps and the babies cry less. 

Builds Mother and Baby Bonding

When babies are separated from mothers after their birth, there are fewer chances of natural bonding. Skin-to-skin contact helps the baby to be in close touch with the mother, which is helpful in long term mother-baby bonding. 

Benefits of Skin To Skin Contact For Mother

Skin-to-skin contact is beneficial for mothers as well. It helps them heal, communicate with their baby better, produce more milk and breastfeed the baby more successfully. 

Relieve The Stress Of Mother

While in skin-to-skin contact, the body releases a hormone that helps to relieve the stress of the mother and helps her heal better. Holding baby skin-to-skin also increases oxytocin levels which is helpful in reducing the blood pressure.

An lower blood pressure helps to decrease the stress level. Increase in oxytocin levels helps in restoring pre-pregnancy hormone levels as well resulting in a decrease of postpartum depression. 

Supports Successful Breastfeeding

Skin-to-skin contact helps the baby start breastfeeding more quickly. Skin contact helps the mother to produce more milk which results in successful breastfeeding for a longer period of time. It also helps the colostrum to flow more easily. Colostrum is the first milk that the mother produces. It is full of nutrients that help to protect the baby. You may also like to find out How Much Breastmilk Should A Newborn Eat here.

Helps in Understanding Baby

Skin-to-skin contact helps in understanding the behaviour of the baby. It also provides the mother with a sense of communication. The Mother understands the signals from baby including when the baby is hungry or when the baby is having discomfort. Mother learns to understand the signals sooner which strengthens the bond between them. 

Benefits Of Skin To Skin Contact For Father

If the mother cannot provide skin-to-skin contact right after birth then the father should take her place. Father should hold the baby belly down on his bare chest.

It isn’t necessary that they only fill the mother’s place. They can hold the baby to have skin-to-skin contact anyways. It helps develop a bond between father and baby.

As a father, holding your child and being in close contact with the baby help you enjoy the emotional benefits of your relation. It also creates a sense of love and intimacy between your baby and you which further strengthens your father baby relationship. The baby starts recognizing you and feels secure. 

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Tanya Madsen

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