Grandparents undermining parents

Grandparents undermining parents

Most babies and children are really blessed to have their grandparents as part of their lives. However, they may also provide unnecessary stress for you with their presence. When grandparents are aligned with how parents want their children raised then their presence can be a blessing. On the contrary, Grandparents undermining parents can create a lot of discord in a home.

You may also find it difficult to establish yourself as an authority figure in the house. Let’s look at how we can handle this problem to form healthy relationships between multiple generations.

Keep Healthy Snack Options Always Available

One major problem that a lot of young parents like you have to tolerate is that the grandparents tend to provide unhealthy snacks. You probably want to have control over the food that your children eat to ensure healthy nutrition intake.

Unhealthy snacks given may become detrimental to your own efforts. You will have to be mentally prepared on the real possibility of this occurring and handle it before it gets out of control.

It is perfectly normal for you to get upset when grandparents start to undermine healthy eating habits. Hence, you can simply be prepared by making sure to have healthy snacks options around the home. These organic fruits and veggies bites do not have sugar, organic and are Non-GMO.

In this way, you can prevent grandparents from providing junk food to your kids and avoid huge arguments. To sum it up, grandparents undermining parents when it comes to food choices is a very common problem. Hence you have to tackle this situation tactfully when grandparents are a part of your child’s life.

Hand Over Some Reading for the Grandparents

In time to come, you and your spouse will become more aware of different styles of parenting and the pros and cons of these styles. It is normal to want to parent in a different way compared with your own parents.

These different set of beliefs can cause a lot of friction between generations. It can also be a root cause of grandparents undermining parents.

First of all, one great way to help keep grandparents from going against a parent’s wishes is to provide them with some light reading. This book shares 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind. It will help them to learn more about a certain parenting style and will allow them to see why it’s important to the parents.

In most cases, communication with the grandparents about why certain parenting tactics will be used is enough to stop a problem. Grandparents are usually so thrilled to be involved in the life of their grandchildren that they are willing to see things from the parents’ perspective.

In the event that simple education doesn’t take care of the issue, it may be time to get professional help to improve the situation.

Invest in a Clear Chore Chart

You often have a good idea the rules you want to set in your house. This will help the children behave and understand the chores and jobs that need to be completed.

However, it can be really hard to educate grandparents about the importance of sticking to a schedule. It will be challenging for them also to make sure that each child completes all of the tasks that are given to them.

Chore charts are a great visual reminder of the work that needs to be done around the home. They are a wonderful way for both children and grandparents to see what is expected of them each day.

Verbal communication with grandparents can be easily forgotten. Writing all the information using a chore chart is a great option to preplan a house schedule. This allows you to clearly show everyone in the house what is expected.

Additionally, a chore chart can easily be customized to the needs and jobs of each child. It is a useful tool that will ensure that everything is taken care of in the parent’s absence.

Consequently, parents can easily check to see what work was completed in their absence. In short, this will give them peace of mind when they leave their children with their grandparents.

Give grandparents something to do

One reason for grandparents undermining parents is because the grandparents don’t necessarily know what to do with their grandchild. Things have changed a lot in a few generations.

Grandparents often need a little help knowing what is suitable for the child depending on the age. Hence they need to understand what types of activities parents want their children to complete in a typical day. It can be challenging for them to plan activities for their grandchild on a daily basis.

Yoga cards are a wonderful option for any grandparents who want to connect with their grandchildren. They are a great tool for developing mental and physical health. Furthermore, this is a great activity that grandparents and grandchildren can complete as an indoor or outdoor activity.

Similarly, another activity that both generations will enjoy is an art kit. The mega Wood Box Art, Painting & Drawing Set Contains all the Additional Supplies needed them to get started. You won’t have to worry about the grandparents using something that they shouldn’t and undermining your control in the house.


To sum it up, it can be really overwhelming for parents handling grandparents trying to undermine them. The absolute best option is to have good choices on hand.

Healthy snacks, fun games and art, and a chore chart are all helpful to outline the parent’s expectations. Grandparents that need a little help understanding parenting choices can read a book about the parent’s philosophy. This will allow them to spend time with their grandchildren without as much friction.

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Tanya Madsen

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