How to Entertain a One Year Old on a Plane

How to Entertain a One Year Old on a Plane

Most of us love to travel.  Hopping on a plane and visiting some far off destination is a dream for most people.  Some of the time we need to travel to visit family. Sometimes we travel for work. We have all learned how to navigate security, entertain ourselves in the airport, and get to our destination. The challenge comes when you have to bring a little one along. How to entertain a one-year-old on a plane?

Travelling is different when you have a small child.  It can be scary if you are doing it for the first time. You are worried if your baby can adjust to the change of air pressure in the plane.

What if he/she cannot sleep well on the plane and is making a lot of noise on the plane.  When people see a baby on the aeroplane, they immediately worry about endless crying and smelly diapers. 

Tips for flying with a 1 year old

As a parent thinking about travelling with your baby, you probably remember some previous flight when there was a baby that just would not stop crying.  You do not want to be that parent. 

If you need to travel with your baby, there is no reason to be nervous.  With preparation, even the longest flight can be a relatively stress-free experience. You can provide more in-flight entertainment for the kids like toys or tablets, snacks they like and also suckers during landing or takeoff.  Read below for some essential tips on how to entertain a one year old on a plane! 

Does a 1 year old need a carseat on a plane

Decide whether or not to take a car seat.  The FAA recommends that all young children sit in a car seat at all times during a flight but it is not obligatory. (Source

How to Entertain a One Year Old on a Plane


For a Flawless Take-Off

Keep in mind that your child will most likely experience pain as the pressure changes in the cabin.  If your child is still breastfeeding, hold them in your arms and be sure to nurse them at this time. You can always put them in the car seat later. 

If you do not breastfeed, consider providing them with a bottle or sippy cup of their favorite drink. The important thing is that they suck on something.  This will alleviate any pressure in their ears and start the flight off on the right foot.

Flying with a one year old on lap

Once the plane is in the air, feel free to put your child in their car seat (or not, if they are sitting on your lap).  The important thing to remember is that you are your child’s in-flight entertainment system.  You need to be prepared to be attentive, engaging and interacting with your child constantly to keep them happy for the duration of the flight.  

How do I keep my 1 year old entertained on a plane

One-year-olds love to play!  Be sure to bring plenty of toys, depending on the length of your flight. Bring them out one by one as the child gets bored and needs new stimulation.

The most important toy to bring is your child’s favorite toy.  There is no need to buy anything novel or new. Your child will love seeing his favorite toy in unfamiliar surroundings.  

How to Entertain a One Year Old on a Plane


Other toys you might want to consider bringing may include:

  • Finger puppets.  Finger puppets are a great way to entertain your one year old!  You can put on a captivating show your one year old will love.
  • Chunky Crayons.  Developmentally appropriate crayons and a notebook are great stimulation for your one year old!  Bring a coloring pad and pass the time learning the colors and making scribbles.
  • Stacking Cups.  Your child will love to make towers, knock them down and build them again with some easy to pack stacking cups.  
  • Sensory and Exploration Books:  Books that include a variety of textures and activities for your child to feel and explore are sure to be effective for entertaining your one year old.

Technology and Screen Time

 If your flight is particularly long, breaking out the tablet is always a safe fallback.  This will give you a chance to relax as well! Be sure to download some episodes of your child’s favorite series.  

Snacks and Mealtimes

 Timely snacks interspersed between activities are a fail-proof method for keeping your child happy.  One year olds can be particularly messy when they eat, so be sure to bring appropriate options. Bite-sized cereals, squeezable yogurt or fruit pouches, and whole fruits such as oranges and mandarins are great options.  Be sure to keep your wet wipes handy to clean up any mess. The crew will appreciate it.

Diaper Changing  

Every parent who has ever traveled with a baby knows the challenges of the in-flight diaper change. Take advantage of pre-boarding to scope out the plane and discuss with the crew your best options for changing your baby. 

Some planes are equipped with changing tables outside of those tiny bathrooms.  You may end up having to change your baby’s diaper in your seat (aisle seats are always recommended when traveling with a baby). 

Be sure to keep your child entertained by giving your child a toy or snack during the diaper change. This will distract them from the cold air on their bum. Be sure to dispose of the diaper as quickly as possible in the bathroom garbage receptacle.


When the pilot announces that the time has come to prepare for landing, remember that your child may suffer with the change in pressure from the quick descent.  Now is a good time to nurse your baby, give them that last fruit pouch, or a sucker. Again, this will help ease any discomfort they may feel in their ears. This is a good opportunity for one last finger puppet show.  Distracting your child is often enough to keep them from crying.  

Conclusion on How to Entertain a One Year Old on a Plane

Knowing how to entertain your one-year-old on a plane can make the difference between pleasant travel experience and a nightmare.  This is true for you and for those who are also travelling on the plane.

It is important to be considerate of those around you. Remember that the crew also wants your baby to be calm, quiet and entertained.  Be sure to ask them for assistance, advice or recommendations at any point during the flight.  

With planning, mental preparation and a backpack full of essentials, you can enjoy any flight with your child.  Remember, it’s always a good idea to bring too many toys or too many snacks than to find yourself wanting. You will want all of those things for your child at your destination anyway!  Safe travels! 

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Tanya Madsen

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