When do Pregnancy Cravings Start – Most Common FAQs Answered

I still remember those days when I was pregnant, I suddenly have cravings for spicy food in the middle of the night. My spouse, I forgot how he did it manage to create something out of the blue to satisfy my craving. The question for most first time parents will be when do pregnancy cravings start?

What is pregnancy cravings

Pregnancy cravings are a phenomenon where you have a sudden urge to eat a particular food. It is quite common, especially for pregnant women. The food can be even something you have never liked in the past. FYI I have never liked spicy food before I am pregnant. 

Cravings at 3 weeks pregnant

It is possible but not all women will have cravings at this early stage. You may still experience some early pregnancy symptoms and food cravings may be one of them. According to Women’s health associate, it is possible that morning sickness and food cravings come together and happens between your 3 – 8 weeks of pregnancy. (Source)

How many weeks pregnant do cravings start?

It really depends on the individuals. It can happen as early as 2 weeks pregnancy however you may not be aware of it until you have seen a doctor. The doctor may count your pregnancy based on your last day of the period and it can already be more than 2 weeks.

Pregnancy cravings first trimesterPregnancy cravings first trimester

You can basically break down the cravings into 3 stages based on your 3 trimesters. Your cravings should be mild and start from the 1st trimester.

It should peak on your 2nd trimester and mellow down on the 3rd trimester. According to research from frontiers in Psychology, around 50-90% of American women have some sort of food craving during pregnancy. (Source)

What do pregnancy cravings feel like?

It is like a desire that you need to consume the particular food. It may affect your five senses like below

  • You see some things and visualise those things as that particular food 
  • It remains in your thoughts and you cannot get over it
  • You stalk and find all ways to hunt the food down
  • It affects your sense of smell as you keep thinking about how good that particular food smells
  • You are talking about it often and also hear people about it( This is getting freaky but you cannot control it)
  • It reaches a stage that you want it so badly and you give an ultimatum to your close family members that you WANT IT NOW!!

Should you give in to pregnancy cravings?Should you give in to pregnancy cravings

It is very easy to give in to pregnancy cravings but there are two downsides that you have to be very careful of. First, there is a risk of overeating and gaining too much extra weight if you gave in to such cravings. (Source).

Studies have also shown that the more weight you can gain during pregnancy, the more difficult it is to lose those extra pounds after giving birth. (Source)

It is ok to give in to some of the pregnancy cravings but also ensuring that you have a healthy intake of fruits and proper diet.   

When do food aversions start in pregnancy

Food aversions normally start during your first trimester within one week of periods of time where you have morning sickness. The duration of food aversions may vary between different mummies.

Some of them have food aversions for the whole of 9 months and even beyond. While others may have it during the first half of pregnancy, go away and then come back at later stages of pregnancy. 

“Nobody really knows exactly where food aversions come from,” says Anjali Kaimal, MD, a maternal fetal medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. However, hormones which play multiple roles in pregnancy may be the culprit in this situation.

Common pregnancy cravings

Common pregnancy cravingsThere are some common pregnancy cravings experienced by mummies and shared in forums. Most of the food cravings are mostly linked to the body need to replenish nutrients or vitamins during pregnancy. I have compiled a list below for your convenience.

  1. Spicy food –  As pregnant women body tends to get healthy, spicy food helps to cool them down through sweating
  2. Ice Cream – To put it a good way it is to replenish your calcium needs. However, it may be just because the mummy has a sweet tooth. Take in moderation or consider alternatives liked sherbets.
  3. Low-fat yoghurt – Also replenish calcium needs for your body and is a healthier option of ice cream
  4. Chocolate – The craving for chocolate may be caused by the body increasing calories need when pregnant. Like ice cream, it is recommended to take them in moderation.common pregnancy cravings
  5. Pickles – The body needs to replenish sodium due to increased blood volume and the sourish pickles is a perfect choice
  6. Red Meat – The only source of Vitamin B12 and may explain why a vegetarian may suddenly crave for meat during pregnancy. The main reason is to replenish iron deficiencies during pregnancy
  7. Peanut butter – Great source of vitamin B or protein. 
  8. Eggs – they are a great source of protein, ensure york and white is fully cooked to prevent food poisoning namely a salmonella infection
  9. Cheese – Replenish the body need for calcium, if you crave a lot of it you can balance with leafy vegetables liked broccoli
  10. Bacon – the combination of fat and protein plus the delicious taste makes it attractive for a satisfying craving.  Eat-in moderation to prevent unnecessary weight gain. 
  11.  Lemons – craving for sour food is especially prevalent during the second or third trimester. 
  12.  Fruit – Your body may signal the need for vitamin C. Eat in moderation to prevent the spike in blood sugar 

common pregnancy cravings

Weird pregnancy cravings

These some of the weird pregnancy cravings shared by other mummies on social media.

  1. Ice cream with small pieces of dirts in it – Inspired by the morning show
  2. Weird pregnancy cravings

    Courtesy of Reddit.com

    Oreo and mustard with mustard – she is totally broken

  3. Weird pregnancy cravings

    Courtesy of Reddit.com

    Ketchup and orange soda- hope she drank it separately

  4. Weird pregnancy cravings

    Courtesy of Reddit.com

    This sounds really funny and the smell may have satisfied the mummy craving in some way

  5. Weird pregnancy cravings

    Courtesy of Reddit.com

    I just cannot imagine how will this look and taste like.

  6. Weird pregnancy cravings

    Courtesy of Reddit.com

    Lucky is only smelling and not eating the soap

  7. Weird pregnancy cravings

    Courtesy of Reddit.com

    Didn’t know you will have the desire to burn something when pregnant.

To summarise when do Pregnancy Cravings Start

I hope the information has managed to answer all your commonly asked questions about when do Pregnancy Cravings Start. If you have any other questions or would like to share your own cravings experience, drop a comment below. You may also like to check out when do pregnancy cravings stop and fruits to eat during pregnancy for fair baby 

Tanya Madsen

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