when do pregnancy cravings stop

When Do Pregnancy Cravings Stop

In the previous article, I have answered some common asked FAQs about when pregnancy cravings start. If you have not read it you can check it out here. The next question naturally you have in mind is when do pregnancy cravings stop? 

Honestly, there is no clear cut answer as individual mummies may experience different pregnancy cravings period. Based on inputs from other mummies and expert advice, we will try out best to answer this question below.

When do pregnancy cravings stop

It is entirely possible that pregnancy cravings can last during the whole pregnancy. There are even instances that postpartum cravings occur when you have cravings even after birth. Fortunately, most of the cravings symptoms will subside at about 14th or 15th week of their pregnancy. 

Most mummies from forums shared that their food cravings lessen in the second trimester and do not have any cravings when their baby is out. There are also mummies that do not experience any form of pregnancy cravings during the pregnancy period.

How can I control my sweet cravings during pregnancy

How can I control my sweet cravings during pregnancy

These are some common and effective way to control your sweet cravings

  • Not skipping breakfast – starting a day with a nutritious meal while cutting down the possibility of sweet cravings for mid-morning snacks.
  • Emotional support – getting emotional support from your loved ones or speaking to friends can help to distract your mind from sweet cravings
  • Healthy replacements – stock up on healthy snacks to replace sinful sweet cravings 
  • Rewards on a smaller portion – Aim for smaller portion every time for cravings like sweets or ice cream

Why am I craving sour foods while pregnant

One possibility of craving sour foods while pregnant is because of changing taste buds while being pregnant. Squeezing the whole lemon into plain water or crunching pickles may be attractive for you. 

Food cravings when pregnant with a boy

This information is purely based on myths and inputs from the older generation liked by parents. There are still no conclusive studies on the truth in it and the accuracy of determining the gender of your baby.

It is said that you will crave for salty and savoury foods like potato chips or pickles when pregnant with a boy. There are also mummies that claim they clamour for spicy and protein-rich foods when having a boy.

Food cravings when pregnant with a girlFood cravings when pregnant with a girl

For beliefs when pregnant with a girl, it is believed that a woman will crave sweets or dairy products. If you believe in these old beliefs, a sudden indulge in chocolate, candy and ice cream maybe because there is a girl in your tummy.  

If you are looking for a natural way to conceive the gender of your choice, you may like to check this free video here. I have not tried this personally but if you have a gender preference for your first child, it may be worth trying. 

How do you stop pregnancy cravings

There are no guarantees that you can stop pregnancy cravings completely but there are some 7 tips you can do to reduce the frequency or impact of pregnancy cravings.

  1. A nutritious balanced diet – A balanced diet of protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables helps to replenish the vitamins or nutrients you need during pregnancy. This will help to reduce pregnancy cravings due to lack of vitamins or nutrients in the body. A nutritious diet also helps to balance out any junk food pregnancy cravings that you may have.
  2. Eating regular – It is important to eat regular and divide them into smaller food portions if possible. This can help you to maintain your blood sugar level and  reduce or stop potential pregnancy cravings
  3. Physical activity – There are studies that show exercise after mental work can actually prevent overeating.(Source) This reduces your hunger pangs and also pregnancy cravings. Check out how you can include physical activity safely while pregnant here. You may like to seek your medical care provider advice before including any physical activity routine while pregnant.
  4. Mental Activity – Consider taking more short frequent breaks while working to relax your body working overtime when pregnant. Too much mental work has been identified as the cause of overeating traits or cravings. (Source)
  5. Healthier choice – If you really cannot control the pregnancy cravings, you can always go for healthier food alternatives. For example, replacing the sinful ice cream with low-fat yoghurt with lesser calories.
  6. Meditation – Mindfulness-based strategies from meditation may help or interrupt pregnancy cravings that occupy part of your mind. Research has also shown how meditation benefits both mummy and baby. (Source)
  7. Drink more water – Besides the benefits of drinking water during pregnancy, drinking lots of them together with snacks can help to reduce hunger pangs


Postpartum cravings

Postpartum cravings are pregnancy cravings that drag beyond your pregnancy periods of 9 months. Although food cravings can be common for pregnant women, the degree of extending until the postpartum period is still unknown. (Source)

Is it normal to crave food after pregnancy

This is normal because there will be increased food appetite when pregnant to boost your daily calories intake You may be unable to adjust back to pre pregnancy levels immediately.

Postpartum binge eating

Postpartum binge eating is seen as depression signs for new mothers due to the multiple environmental stresses they have to face. Taking care of the newborn and adjusting to her own changing body can be contributing factors. (Source) If you are a mummy or your loved ones are suffering this disorder, do not be afraid to reach out for professional help, support and treatment.

To Sum Up When Do Pregnancy Cravings Stop

No one will really know when do pregnancy cravings stop as it will be different for every mummy. However, the above information will be important for you to react accordingly depending on your situation. Got some weird pregnancy cravings experiences to share? Drop a comment below. During your third trimester, you may be keen to find out Nanny Vs Daycare which is the better choice and some old wives tales about pregnancy.

Tanya Madsen

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